Engineering Services

The proper execution of the engineering phase in a project ensures construction success and maximizes resource optimization. Applying our expertise in both engineering and project construction, we provide solutions from the very start of project conception.

The proper execution of the engineering phase in a project ensures construction success and maximizes resource optimization. Leveraging our expertise in both engineering and project construction, we provide solutions from the very start of project conception, focusing on comprehensive engineering solutions.

  • Geotechnical studies for residential, industrial, and commercial projects.
  • Conventional geotechnical exploration.
  • Indirect exploration by seismic refraction and wave dispersion.
  • Execution of a wide variety of geotechnical laboratory tests.
  • Diseño de cimentaciones superficiales y profundas.
  • Design of retaining structures and embankments.
  • Design of excavations and earthworks.
  • Geotechnical instrumentation.
  • Execution of load tests on foundations.

Services for the Electrical Sector

With extensive experience in the power transmission and distribution sector, and a deep understanding of the challenges associated with this type of project, we provide turnkey foundation solutions for the construction of electrical infrastructure.

  • Diseño de cimentaciones para torres y postes de transmisión
  • Diseño de cimentaciones para marcos de subestaciones
  • Diseño de cimentaciones para equipos de patio en subestaciones
  • Diseño ejecución e interpretación de pruebas de carga en pilotes, micropilotes y anclajes helicoidales
  • Diseño de conexiones metálicas para cimentación de torres y postes
  • Diseño de cimentaciones para equipos y tanques de almacenamiento con pilotes helicoidales
  • Suministro e instalación de pilotes helicoidales en torres de transmisión/
  • Suministro e instalación de pilotes helicoidales para subestaciones
  • Suministro, fabricación e instalación de grillajes metálicos para conexión de pilotes helicoidales
  • Suministro e instalación de pilotes helicoidales para proyectos de vivienda y edificaciones
  • Construcción de micropilotes convencionales
  • Analisis, diseño y construcción de repotenciación de cimentaciones para infraestructura existente

Driven by the success achieved in our experiences in the industry sectors and witnessing the daily challenges faced by contemporary housing construction with its cutting-edge designs located on complex terrains, we offer a portfolio focused on resource optimization within the framework of regulatory compliance.